Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Annapolis Royal

I got a hot tip direct from two Scotians themselves that I should take a trip to the Upper Clements Park in Annapolis Royal.

A Wizard vacation, perhaps?

As it turns out I spent a year about an hour east of AnnRoy nearly five years ago now. I took a year off of life, and tried out the whole University-right-out-of-high-school bit. And while my interest in Economics never did improve above absolutely none at all, my skills in rolling joints was somehow perfected.
And I guess that instead of spending four years earning a degree that would now itself have spent two years gathering dust, I spent four years in and out and in and, finally, permanently, out of love with a girl that I brought home from said school.
And she was the best teacher I ever could have had.
Lives lived, pasts passed.
And soon, in months, I'll be back.

That will be a trip indeed....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mahone Bay

There are more Scotiers around than I previously thought!
I was at a Classified concert yesterday, and when he asked if there were any Maritimers in the audience about a quarter of the 500 person crowd erupted! It would appear that there are almost as many Scotiers here as there Aussie's. Yikes.
After the show I had the chance to talk to a couple of new friends from 'Mahone Bay', which is about 45 minutes South of Halifax, about the coin.

Mahone Bay looking fairly Wizard free.

I get more and more intrigued by each Scotier that I talk to that has absolutely no idea about the origins of the coin. It means that it's not necessarily a token to Halifax's largest amusement park, and maybe, possibly, it's slightly more likely to be a token to get into the secret Wizard society.

4 Wizard coins, please.

My only fear is this: what if it takes one Wizard coin to get in to the secret Wizard society, and then another coin to buy the potion I'm after. Or! Or... even worse... what if it takes one Wizard coin to get in to the secret Wizard society, and then it takes another coin to get out.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Wizard Coin

So, I guess it was about 4 months ago now when I found this coin.

I guess I didn't really find it, as much as a friendly English couple tried to use it as a quarter in the shop I was working at.
I told them that we would gladly accept it as payment, while trying to hide my excitement. Trying not to show how badly I wanted that coin to be mine.
I must have poker faced it alright, or overestimated how freakin' awesome this coin is, because they didn't seem too into holding onto it, and were quite happy to get rid of it.
Once they left I pocketed the coin, and quickly replaced it with a real quarter. A spendable quarter.
What I found odd about the whole thing was that the couple themselves had never been to Nova Scotia, and didn't know anyone that had. Nor were they, or any of their relatives (that they felt like bringing up), wizards themselves.
I was intrigued.
I wanted to research where this coin came from, and, basically, wanted to be able to use the coin to buy some potions.
This is where it gets tricky. This coin is the only thing I've ever not been able to find on Google. Ever. I mean, Google has everything. Google even has the answer to the age old question, "Why are we here?", and yet, no matter how hard I look, it won't tell me where I can buy a freakin' vanishing potion!

I think the most logical thing to do at this point would be to give up on the search, and go back to playing the banjo. Or, even just putting the coin thing down, and going back to doing just about anything else. That being said, on May 15th I'll be driving across the country to Nova Scotia to try to find the Wizard.
I won't be coming back until I find him.
Or her.
Or it... hopefully it's not an 'it'.

Oh! And to make the whole thing seem a little less crazy - I've had the pleasure of talking to a few Nova Scotiers about the coin, and not a single one of them (out of about 6 I've talked to so far) know anything about the coin. I've talked to people from Halifax, Dartmouth, Antigonish, and Truro, and they were all as confused as I am.
What have I learnt from all this? Wizards are secretive.