Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wizard Optical

About a week ago I sent electronic mails to a few places throughout Nova Scotia. I sent messages to the Wizard Optical Center (, the Rental Wizard (, and The Dent Wizard (, as well as to a Halifax band simply called "Wizard" (

I got replies back from everyone, and, of course, no one knew much about anything to do with the coin or the Wizard or wands or spells or the location of Azkaban or anything magic related at all.
They were, however, very helpful in regards to removing my dents, fixing me up for some specs, renting me... something, and playing me some funky jams.

This G-9th chord is totally going to remove that dent in your glasses. And rent you... something.

Although - I just found a place online called the "Wizard Coin Supply" ( They're not located in Nova Scotia, but I have to figure that if anyone is going to know anything about a Wizard coin, it's probably going to be a place that supplies said coins.

C'mon really obvious solution!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lunenburg pt. 2 and the Tramp Schooner

I hit my first real Wizard snag today!

I took a trip about an hour southwest of Halifax today down to Lunenburg, the home of the Bluenose II.

This sign reads "Lunenburg" for anyone that isn't sporting a magnifying glass right now.

The Bluenose II is the baby of the ship that is on the back of the Canadian dime, as well as my Wizard Coin. Basically, it's a replica ship - more on that in a minute.
Now, how ships have babies I may never know, but what I do know, having found out today, is that Lunenburg, home of the Bluenose II, is definitely not the home of the Bluenose I, my Wizard, nor the home of anybody that cared to share any Wizard secrets.

It is, however, home of lobsters with pincers bigger than my thigh. Think - less 'pinchy', more 'hackey/slicey'.

I made it to the "Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic" around 2:30pm today. After paying my admittance fee I booked it straight towards the Bluenose, and was greeted by a friendly life saver letting me know that this was actually the Bluenose II, and not the Bluenose, which, up until right then, I thought I was going to see.

I've never hated the character 'I' more than I did right then. Double time.

At that point I wasn't too surprised when the person handing out information, Ryan, couldn't actually inform me about my coin. Ryan was very friendly though, and he did take a photo of me pretending to steer the Bluenose II into the wharf.

And check, and turn the signal to the right! Now turn to the right!
And check, and turn the signal to the left! Now turn to the left!

I guess I could have done my research earlier, but according to Wiki the original Bluenose...

Name: Bluenose
Launched: March 26, 1921
Fate: Sold out-of-country in 1942 to become a tramp schooner in the Caribbean

A Tramp Schooner. I don't even care what a Tramp Schooner actually does, but c'mon Canada... You sold a part of our heritage to what sounds like a whore-house on water?!
I don't know whether to balk or cheer. That sort of rules.

Yo' momma! now cavorting around the world as a Tramp Schooner, and is totally full of sea-men.

So, at the end of the day I guess I didn't really get any further in finding my Wizard. I did, however, think of the possibility that I could be in the wrong part of the World all together.
See, after finding out that the original Bluenose was sold to the Caribbean in 1942 I remembered back a couple months ago when I stumbled upon another 'rare' coin:

After googling and quickly finding out this coin's not-so-rare background I dismissed it as 'unimportant', and gave it to an unsuspecting customer at my work as change.
This, in hind-sight, could have been a horrible mistake.

I mean, I can't be the only one that thinks the ship on the Caribbean coin looks an awful lot like the original Bluenose, give or take a few doses of magic/pirate broads.

Also in Lunenburg -

The masts of the Bluenose II, despite not being the proper ship, are still pretty mastive.

At one point I heard a loud buzzing above me, in the 3rd floor of the museum, at a spot where I thought I could go no higher. Figuring this was the shape-changing or potion brewing of a Wizard I decided to sneak into the attic-like 4th floor ventilation room. I quickly discovered that the the loud buzzing was not so much a wizard transmorphographying, but actually just the ventilation system venting.

It's okay. I'm good with secrets. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to vent around me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I got a few leads today. More than one. This is perfect.

First off, my new house mates told me to check out the book store up the street. I mentioned the book store idea to a few other people, and everyone was in agreement: book store owners know just about everything about everything, and that's a great place to start, even if it's only because it's the closest place to start.

The next tip I got was from our next door neighbour, Matt. Matt thinks I should take a trip about an hour south of here to a little town called Lunenburg.
Lunenburg is the home of the Bluenose, which at one point was the World's fastest sailboat, and is also the boat stamped on the Canadian dime, as well as on my Wizard Coin.

The Bluenose is also the name of this ridiculously sad little Panda bear,
which, according to his Wiki page, has never won any races, ever.

A new friend also suggested I take a look down by the Harbour, and that sounds fun and all, but now that I've written out the word 'harbour' I can't help but wonder why Canadians put U's into all sorts of words that really don't need U's.
We don't need 'U'! No, not you... no, don't start with the crying again, Bluenose!