Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wizard Optical

About a week ago I sent electronic mails to a few places throughout Nova Scotia. I sent messages to the Wizard Optical Center (, the Rental Wizard (, and The Dent Wizard (, as well as to a Halifax band simply called "Wizard" (

I got replies back from everyone, and, of course, no one knew much about anything to do with the coin or the Wizard or wands or spells or the location of Azkaban or anything magic related at all.
They were, however, very helpful in regards to removing my dents, fixing me up for some specs, renting me... something, and playing me some funky jams.

This G-9th chord is totally going to remove that dent in your glasses. And rent you... something.

Although - I just found a place online called the "Wizard Coin Supply" ( They're not located in Nova Scotia, but I have to figure that if anyone is going to know anything about a Wizard coin, it's probably going to be a place that supplies said coins.

C'mon really obvious solution!

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